Got air pacific flight here to Nadi, really good service food was excellent! Stayed in smugglers cove, 29 dollars but cheaper accommodation nearby for 15! Went playing golf for a day, pretty relaxing actually and worked on the tan again! That night at the hostel drank some kava, local drink Bula! Did not see much here as was saving my money for oz.
Sydney (4th october)
Arrived and stayed with our friend john in drummoyne for the first few weeks, went out that weekend to oxford music factory, met a friend here Liesl I met when I was in Ecuador, and ended up in the gaff a place a lot of backpackers go. Did not do too much sightseeing here the first few weeks as was looking for a job and a place to live, a month in and I still am! To get you started these links are very helpful:
To travel around you can buy weekly tickets to use the train, bus and ferry.
A lot of places to go out here, darling harbour, georges street, oxford street and of course kings cross. Cargo bar hotel in darling harbour is really nice, oxford street has a lot of diversity and kings cross is pretty thrashy but its always packed. Beaches are quite beautiful here, have been to bondi, tamarana and coogee all really good for surf, still haven’t got on a board yet though, putting all my time into getting a job when the country is slowly falling into a recession, ugh!
Finally after alot of hard work at looking at houses and dealing with estate agents, got a really nice three bedroom house in balmain, which is inner west of the city. Beautiful area, lots of cafes and bars and a really good lawn bowls club, a member there so get cheap schooners! Living in the house with niall, ger, nicky and gorby. Was unfurnished the house, so had a great time picking up stuff left on the street, the rest we got from salvation army.
Got a job then as a systems xml analyst with the attorney generals office in town, its a three month contract so tides me over for christmas, really needed this job, the funds were running really low!
For my 25th birthday, went to cargo bar in darling harbour, really like this place, good dance music and the girls are not bad either! Eddie is over here now also, so its just like been back at home, with exception to the weather and chicks! Was at miss bondi 2008 last weekend, not bad talent at all, bondi beach was thronged, should be good fun when christmas day comes around.
Went to manly another weekend to meet a mate of mine, took the ferry over from circular quay, only took a half an hour, really nice journey. Manly is a beautiful area aswell, bustling with cafes and bars and has many beaches, most which are good for surf. Went out surfing that day but did not do too well, swallowed alot of water as per usual!
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Christmas 2008
Had a fairly fulfilled christmas in sydney, started christmas eve where i went on a booze cruise from darling harbour. Lots of people around mostly backpackers, about five boats went, ours was last to go, about 200-250 people were on it. Free booze and free food was pretty sweet, dj playing downstairs. Had a smashing time going around the harbour at night time, very picturesque. Everybody was in great humour for christmas, got back to the wharf around 11 and then headed home, early arising the next morning to go to sunburnt festival at bondi pavillion.
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
Woke up the next morning and weather was cracking, had a few celebratory drinks in the house then over to bondi beach with our eskie!!
Sunburnt festival
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
Stephens day dinner for twelve people
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
Serena calling over
New years eve, balmain east, met aoife, rocks, argyle, fireworks
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
Darling harboour, aquarium, fish market, IMAX 3d cinema
From Sydney Christmas 2008 |
opera house, harbour bridge, opera bar, pizzeria in rocks then bungalow 8
manly very hot, little manly beach, lunch at wharf hotel with tom, then seen the kooks live in hordern pavilion, very good live.
botanic gardens, establishment and cafe sydney for dinner really cool and awesome view
sydney festival month
australia day, barbie in paulies
few days out in coogee beach